10 Things You Must Do This Year

It’s January 2013.
The beginning of the New Year. Have you ever wondered why New Year is so special? Why 1st January is given so much importance? What is it? It’s just a day like any other day of the year.
What makes it special then?
The New Year gives you a chance to make a new beginning in your life. The New Year allows you to start it all again. The New Year helps you to get over with all the things you messed up in the previous days and move on and make a fresh start.
That’s why it’s so special.
It gives you another chance to live your life the way you want to.
Are you ready for this golden chance?
So, what are you doing to grab this opportunity?
  • Try New Things
This 2013 do something new. Something which you have never done before. Something who’s merely a thought gives you Goosebumps. Something which your heart always wanted to do but the devil like voice from your brain pulls you back. Something which would make you happy. Something which would make your dear ones happy.
  • Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone
You had been thinking about doing something. You even had a plan. But, is that too difficult or sounds unrealistic?
You think you won’t be able to do it. You think it’s too difficult. You think it’s not the right time. Then, I must tell you that it’s the only time. Get out of your comfort zone. Start working on that ‘stupid’ idea which you think is of no use. I bet that would be the best idea ever for you.
  • Be Confident
Did you think of something when you read the first point? Did you think of something when I talked about the idea which is unrealistic and impossible?
What is stopping you then?
CONFIDENCE.  This ten letter word can turn your world around. Those ideas and thoughts, if join hands with confidence would surely lead you to success. Go on – be confident and try it once this year.
  • Notice Things Minutely
This thought comes from the latest book I am reading – The Midnight’s Children by Salman Rushdie. I am on the nineteenth page of the book. The people who have read it might be wondering how that thought came from the book. But it did. Why? Because I decided to notice things minutely. Those very simple words might have some other meaning as well. I just tried to find that ‘other meaning’.
Try a different perspective this year. Think differently. Think deeply.
  • Develop A Hobby
What’s your hobby? Don’t you have any? Make one.
We, humans, always do things which we think we like. Are you an engineering student? May be you like programming. But that is not your hobby. Definitely not.
Develop a hobby this year. Do something which you don’t do all the time. Something which makes you feels satisfied with your life. Something which gives you a different kind of happiness which money, popularity, good marks and good career can’t afford.

  • Volunteer
You didn’t like what happened in Delhi last month? You don’t like when you see those beggars in front of you? You don’t like when you see uneducated children walking with a future filled with darkness? You don’t like those speechless animals roaming around the streets?
Then do something for it. Do something for you fellowmen. Do something for you country. Volunteer an organization or NGO. Educate people or be a more humble person. Educate that one child roaming around your street. It will make a huge difference, much more than you can imagine.
  • Make Friends
How many friends do you have on facebook? How many friends you have who are not from your school, college, company or family?  How many of them have same goals and mindset like you? Make some quality friends this year. Get in touch with the people who think like you. Share your dreams, thoughts, goals.
  • Learn To Say NO
You have an important assignment to do but your friends called you up for party. You are working on your dream project but your best buddies find it unrealistic and are asking you to leave that plan and do something else.
Say ‘NO’. Learn to say no this year. Do what your heart says. Do what you think is right. You might hurt some people this way but if they want well for you, they will understand and if they don’t, you know where you stand.
  • Time Management
A new hobby. A new plan. A new friend. A new gf/bf. ;)
Lots of things happening. It seems too difficult to manage. Isn’t it? Then it’s the time when you learn some skills regarding the time management. Learn to manage your time wisely. Live a balanced life.
  • Live
At the end, I would like to say what the first page of my diary says,
Don’t forget yourself while you are trying to adjust yourself in this fast paced world.
Live life to the fullest.
Happy New Year

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  1. well happy new year to u too.......vry well said yaar............vl surly implmnt sm in my life :p ............gud goin dear.....keep postin :)


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